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Corporate Yoga

Corporate Yoga classes are a great way to improve workplace morale, increase productivity and bring everyone together to do something fun as a group. Yoga can be an energised morning start or a welcome break to a busy work day or a relaxing way to de-stress at the end of the day.



Benefits of Corporate Yoga


For Businesses:

  • Increased productivity

  • Decreased health issues

  • Reduced employee absenteeism

  • Higher job satisfaction amongst employees

  • More respect for senior management of companies

  • More attractive to potential employees seeking employment with your company

For Employees:

  • Reduced stress, anxiety & depression

  • Increased energy and decreased fatigue

  • Improved memory, focus and concentration

  • Stronger muscles and increased flexibility

  • Improved posture

  • Improved overall health and reduced risk for diseases.



What You Will Need


A quiet, comfortable space large enough to use (meeting room, lunchroom, spare office etc.)

Each person will need a yoga mat, comfortable clothing and a water bottle.


My yoga classes are designed to fit the needs of the individuals in each group. Most of the classes are all-levels and are suitable for almost anyone, even absolute beginners.


I recommend practising yoga at least twice a week, but even once a week will have noticeable results.





Please contact Kyriaki for more information using the contact form or email kp@


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